
eye-print Logo

Your competent partner for your business Web-Sites

  URL = www.eye-print.de/index.php?ctr=progr
                    - Printer version -



HTML web pages:

These are the standard pages of your homepage. Here we use all the possibilities of the internet like integration of pictures, graphics, video swquences, animations or sounds. As well the building of forms for feedbacks to your homepage belong to this type of pages. With different programming procedures we can extend those pages.
By using javascript, we animate your text, move your graphics, integrate user information into the pages.
By means of CSS files we can determinate a common design to your complete homepage. And with a server program language like PHP we design your homepage completely dynamically.


Dynamic web pages:

We provide your internet appearance with dynamic pages, depending on the availability of your WEB-Server.


PHP is a server-based programming language for providing dynamic contents. Therefore you need an Apache Server on your WEB-Space Server, as well as the release on behalf of your provider using PHP.
With the PHP programming the source text will not be sent to the user's web browser - in contrary to p.e. javascript - but to an interpreter on your WEB-Server. Only the results of the interpreter will be sent via internet to the user. In the most cases the result will be a pure HTML document.
Beneath text documents with PHP you can generate other types of documents like graphics or PDF files.
[On this homepage all e-mail addresses get spam protection with PHP generated graphics.]

Interactive WEB pages, online shops and complex information pages are only possible with programming languages like PHP


By using a data base like MySQL you can start your professional online shop or you can generate big WEB catalogues.



We provide individual forms for your feedback and requires or orders.




The actual Date and the time in Germany:
22-10-2024, 16:26 h. date and time:

Your local time:
h. local time:


Animated diagrams:



Sample applications:

You will find further examples of the various possibilities of progamming on many of our pages.



- Legal note
Data Protection
- Counter_SITE

eye-print   -   live the WEB with new eyes